Brief History of The Department
The Department of Physiology is one of the foundation Departments in the College of Medicine of the university; established in 2011 to run both undergraduates and postgraduate programs leading to the award of B.Sc, Degree in Medical Physiology. It also engages in the teaching of Basic Physiology to Medical, Dental, Nursing, Medical Laboratory and Physiotherapy Students.
The Department is located presently in the physiology building which currently houses the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences of College of Medicine. It is well equipped with teaching and research laboratories, lecture rooms, staff offices, seminar/conference rooms and departmental library.
The Department is facilitated by full – time, team – spirited, intellectual, proficient and result – oriented members of Academic and Non – Academic (laboratory and Administrative). Among who are Prof. Oyebola D.D.O a Doyen of Physiology and the Pioneer Provost, College of Medicine, Ekiti State University. Also, the department has some eminent scholars like Prof Deji Ajayi who was the pioneer Head of the Department of Physiology and now the current Provost of the College of Medicine, Ekiti State University; Dr Oladele Olatunya; Dr. Adeleye G.S; Dr Mrs Anifowose; Mr Folawiyo; Mr Fabunmi; and Dr Mrs Abatan among others.
The Department is also facilitated by visiting/ adjunct/Associate Lectureres from cognate clinical departments and visiting academic staff such as Prof. S.A. Onasanwo; Dr. B.F. Dele-Ojo; among others.
Towards reducing the burden of ill – health in the region and as parts of her community services, the Department of Physiology of Ekiti State University organizes regular medical outreaches to several communities within Ekiti State State through the involvements of the students` bodies. Furthermore, the department is committed to teaching, research and training through creation of knowledge that contributes to Nigeria’s aspirations to attain global competitiveness in health care delivery and health education.
List of Academic Staff in the Department
Names | Qualifications | Status | E-Mail Address |
Dr. O. S. Olatunya | MBBS, FMCPaed, PhD | Reader Ag. HOD |
Dr. G. S. Adeleye | BSc, MSc, PhD | Senior Lecturer | |
Dr. (Mrs) J. Y. Abatan | MBBS, M.Sc. Physiology | Lecturer II |
Dr. Mrs. Anifowose Omosola Fisayo | B. Sc, M. Sc, PhD | Lecturer II |
Mr. M.A Folawiyo | B. Tech. MSc. | Lecturer I | |
Mr. O. Fabunmi | BSc, MSc | Lecturer II | |
Prof. A O. Ajayi | MBBS, FWACP, FACP | Professor (Associate Lecturer)) | |
Dr. (Mrs) B.F. Dele-Ojo | MBBS, FMCP (Cardiology), MSc. Physiology | Senior Lecturer (Associate Lecturer) | |
Prof. D. D. O Oyebola | B.Sc., MBBS, Cert. Immuno, MD | Professor (Adjunct Lecturer) |
Prof. S. A. Onasanwo, | BSc, MSc PhD | Professor (Adjunct Lecturer) |
Non-Academic Staff in the Department
- Technical staff
Names | Qualifications | Status | E-Mail Address |
Mrs. B.A. Arinola | HND | Chief Technologist | |
Mrs. B.A. Ogunleye | HND | Senior Technologist |
Mr. O.F. Omolewa | OND, HND, PGDE | Technologist II | |
Mrs. G. O. Owolabi | Diploma | Laboratory Technician |
- Adminstrative staff
Names | Qualifications | Status | E-Mail Address |
Mrs. M. A. Kolawole | HND (Sec Admin). BSc. | Asst. Chief Personal Secretary | |
Mrs. M. M. Oladimeji | NCE | Asst. Exec. Officer |
Vision and Mission of the Department of Physiology
To produce graduates that are adequately equipped to handle contemporary physiological, medical, and socioeconomic challenges through cutting edge research in physiological sciences driven by information and communication technology.
To provide high quality physiology educational experience shaped by outstanding teaching and research that benefits cultures, societies and economies.
Objectives of the Department
The objectives are to:
- Train students to acquire basic knowledge of physiological principles.
- Train students to acquire sufficient practical knowledge and practical skills in experimental physiology.
- Train students to have knowledge of applied physiology as used in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc.
- Train students in physiological knowledge sufficient for them to proceed for further studies in related fields of specialization.
- Train students who can adapt themselves after schooling, to various life situations including entrepreneurship.
- Prepare students with sufficient theoretical, scientific knowledge base and practical skills that enable them assume professional positions.
- Assist students in the development of interpersonal skills necessary to function as members of the health team.
- Empower graduates of Human Physiology with skills that will enable them engage in income yielding ventures i.e. a re-orientation from the ‘take-a-job’ mentality to the ‘make-a-job mentality’
Mission statement of the Department:
To provide high quality physiology educational experience shaped by outstanding teaching and research that benefits cultures, societies and economies.
General services and academic programmes
BSc. Physiology Programme
The philosophy of the undergraduate Physiology programme is to train students in theoretical, practical and applied physiology. Graduates from the programme should be able to utilize the basic knowledge acquired for future problem solving and other applications. Graduates from the department are well prepared for further studies and career in various areas of the health sector such as: Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, etc. they may also wish to pursue careers in academic and research institutes. The graduates should be able to function as entrepreneurs and self-employed. The B.Sc. programme is designed to ensure adequate exposure in all areas of Physiology as well as take relevant courses in human anatomy and medical biochemistry. Therefore, graduates of the programme should provide manpower for Physiology departments in Universities, Colleges of Health Technology, Schools of Nursing and Research institutes. They can also work in health industry, as Biomedical Scientists, Osteopaths, Science Writers for Magazines, Television/Radio Stations and Newspapers, Medical Sales Representatives, as Physiological Scientists in areas such as Cardiology, Respiratory Audiology, Neurophysiology, Vascular Physiologist.
Departmental administration
General Administration of the Department
The Head of Department directs and coordinates the academic and administrative activities of the Department and he/she is responsible to the Dean of the Faculty/Provost of the College of Medicine.
The Department disseminates information emanating from Senate, University, College Board and Faculty Board meetings at Departmental meetings chaired by the Head of Department. Regular Departmental meetings are held to ensure that every staff member is part of the decision making process. At such meetings, decisions are taken and duties/responsibilities are shared among the members to ensure that the goals of the programmes and that of the Department are realized.
Students’ Welfare and Academic Advising
The welfare of students is of importance to the Department. Apart from the University Counselling Unit that handles cases student counselling, the Department operates Staff/Students interactive forum where students are properly guided on all aspects of their academic development. Every set of students is also allocated a staff adviser for the level, who handles all aspects of students’ academic development. The Staff advisers are required to counsel the students on all aspect of their academic work including courses to be registered and attendance at departmental academic activities. Students with complex cases bothering on emotional and physical problems are referred to the Student Affairs Unit of the University for appropriate counselling while those who have health problems are handled by the University Health Centre. Indigent and brilliant students are also recommended to the appropriate University Committees for consideration for University scholarships.
Handling of Academic Grievances
The Department has in place a robust system of handling academic grievances of students. These students are required to contact the Head of Department through their level advisers and after initial counselling, advised to write officially through the Head of Department to appropriate units of the University. Apart from endorsing such letters, the HOD also monitors such students’ requests to ensure appropriate responses from the units concerned.
Departmental Infrastructure
Staff Offices
The department has more than 12 offices. The staffs of the department are accommodated in well furnished rooms. Each office is equipped with a functioning air-conditioner/Fans and is directly linked to the ICT/Smart school for internet services.
Lecture Rooms/Practical Laboratories
The department has five lecture rooms 3 big classrooms each accommodating about 250 students each and 2 small classrooms with a capacity to sit 50 students. In addition, the Department has a seminar room that can accommodate 50 students. Furthermore, the department has a two in one Physiology teaching and research laboratory with equipment for teaching and research. It has a capacity of about 100 students during a single practical session. It is a well-lighted room with requisite laboratory tools and comforts for its users. The laboratory is well equipped with air conditioners, teaching projectors, 50 binocular light microscopes, and one state of the art Electrocardiograph, manual and digital kymographs with their accessories, manual and digital spirometers, Oscilloscopes, Flame photometers, Gas dry meters, Super- fusion sets, Ergometers, audiometers and many other basic equipment for physiological and Haemotological preparations.
Teaching Aids
The department of Physiology has some teaching aids, amongst which are the interactive board, and transparent projector board. The teaching aids allow audio-visual materials for teaching and learning.
Animal House
The Department of Physiology uses, in common with other Departments in the Faculty, an animal house that is well ventilated with adequate drainage system and an efficient water source. The animal house has different required cages for several animals. The animals kept in the animal house include Wistar rats, Rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice. The animals are for research purposes.
Safety Rules And Regulations In The Laboratory
- Students must wear a laboratory coat when working in the Laboratory.
- Protective gloves must be worn throughout the practical period.
- Students must wear safety goggles when using hammers, chisels etc.
- All used scalpel blades must be disposed off in the provided containers.
- All injuries incurred in the laboratory, no matter how insignificant they may appear must be reported immediately to an instructor.
- Practical benches should be kept clean.
- Only students, Faculty and other authorised College of medicine personnel, and Ekiti State University personnel are allowed in the laboratory.
- Keep the doors of the laboratory closed at all times.
- Use of camera and phones are not allowed in the laboratory.
- Do not touch any equipment without the authority of the laboratory Instructor/Technologist.
General Information on Service Requirements and Operations
The Head of Department is the organizational Head and the Chairman in all meetings, and Chief Examiner of the Department in all examinations both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The HOD manages the departmental affairs with the use of the following Committees:
- a) Examination Committee
- b) Course Allocation Committee
- c) Results Committee
- d) Staff Students’ Welfare Committee
- e) Postgraduate Study Committee
- f) Publication Committee
- g) Sports Facilities and Equipment Committee
- h) Quality Assurance Committee
Chairman and members of the different committees are selected through election during the general meetings. Course Advisers are also chosen for computation of students’ results. The various committees often meet periodically, their decisions are sent to the H.O.D who sees to the implementation of the decisions of the various Committees.
In addition, the Department selects members of Academic Staff as Department Officers – Students Union (National Association of Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (NAPHER&D) Adviser, Projects Supervisors, Facilities and Equipment Officer.
Personnel Administration
Staff are encouraged to attend Academic Seminars and Conferences, at both Local and International levels. Academic Staff undergoing Postgraduate Programmes are encouraged to complete their academic programmes on time. Staff are encouraged to embark on regular research and publications to enhance their level of performance and career advancement. The Department provides office facilities for convenience of members of staff to enhance their performance. The members of staff have track records of participation in National and International Conferences.